You don't understand | Teen Ink

You don't understand

September 6, 2013
By GinaT14 SILVER, Glendale, California
GinaT14 SILVER, Glendale, California
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

You don't understand
The pain i go through
As the tears fall
I begin to hate myself

Nobody understands the pain
The pain in my chest
I feel it everyday
And every night

You think you know
But you don't
Its hard to describe
Its like you're drowning
But no one is there to rescue you

Everyday i wake
More depressed than before
So i fake a smile
And head out the door

I start to laugh amongst my peers
Little do they know
About all the tears

Trying to grin from ear to ear
But then always having a fear
A fear that lies inside you
Every moment of everyday

The fear that you are no longer good enough
A fear that you are unwanted
A fear that little people experience
But you are one of them

You feel pain inside your chest
Not knowing how to stop it
Crying for help
But no one hears you

So alone in this world you are
An endless battle
Never to claim a victor
But to only damage yourself and others

You try so hard to fight back
But you are unsuccessful
The world is winning this battle

Everyones against you
No one loves you
No one cares about you
But no one understands
You don't understand

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