shadow living in the light | Teen Ink

shadow living in the light

August 19, 2013
By SarahMartinez BRONZE, Monterrey, Texas
SarahMartinez BRONZE, Monterrey, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Tomorrow will be better.&quot;<br /> &quot;But what if it&#039;s not?&quot;<br /> &quot;Then you say it again tomorrow. Because it might be. You never know right? At some point, tomorrow will be better.&quot;

she lived in a shadow
the shadow of her mother
the shadow of her friends
the shadow of herself

she couldn't face reality
so she lived in her fantasies
happy endings, lovely times
things she wouldn’t ever have

she hoped for the future
she didn't believe in relieving the past
something awful happened?
it just a memory now

destiny wasn't cruel to her
she had a good life
she tried to never worry
but things never did go according to plan

she comforted broken hearts
and helped crazy minds
she never considered to have
the most broken of hearts and the craziest of minds

she covered her ears with music
and read books to get her mind working
the screaming could still be heard
she couldn't escape

she even heard them in her sleep
it woke her up at night
so she started taking medicine
pretty blue and white pills

it helped her, she slept now
but it didn't matter
cause the screaming wasn't only at night
why couldn’t she get a break?

she thought about cutting
but quickly removed that thought from her head
she wasn't crazy
she wasn't depressed
it's just adolescence
she convinced herself

so she kept taking sleeping pills
and taking her crazy pills too
they helped or she thought they did
it was better than nothing

she wanted to escape
but her books weren't helping anymore
she could only think of sleep
should she take her pills this early?
why not

she was paranoid now
she heard them in sound and silence
she was cautious
she was breaking

she tried talking to Her
She just complained
and that broke her
she didn't want to hear that

but she needed to talk to someone
and the only one there was herself
she had to help Her
who would if she didn't?

she couldn't take it anymore
what was she going to do
she isn't strong enough
she doesn't want to tell a soul

she needed someone
nobody came
she would live like this forever
she would be a shadow
shadow living in the light

The author's comments:
I really think it was a fleeting emotion. It hasn't gone away. Being paranoid is not fun. If somebody has ever felt this way, I can only ask how they lived with it? How did they ever lived with this fear?

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