Just Pretty | Teen Ink

Just Pretty

August 24, 2013
By Lyndz BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
Lyndz BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just a freshly cut rose, not the scent
Nothing more than the glimpse
Of a sunrise.
Only a star to stare at,
As you drift away;
Nice to look at, then forget
With the dawn of a new day,
Or the glow of a new face.
Forgettable, like an ice cream cone
In December.
Unappreciated, like a red cup
Alone in a beige room
Inattentive eyes are glad it’s there to observe,
But nothing more.

The author's comments:
It was inspired by the feeling of only being appreciated for one's exterior, instead of who the person actually is.

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