MIkayla | Teen Ink


August 11, 2013
By Khanadia3 GOLD, Chillicothe, Texas
Khanadia3 GOLD, Chillicothe, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Friendship before birth.
Both brought to this Earth.
Anger and hatred,
Yet, not related.
Now, we act like it
But we are separated.
I love you from here to there,
My dear, dear Kaylerrrs.

The author's comments:
Mikayla,(Kaylerrrs), is my one and only best friend. We can read each other's minds even if we're a billion miles apart. Remember that I love you more than anything in this world, Kaylerrrs, and I'll be here for you even after we get wrinkles and become beautiful Angels. Don't ever forget it.

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