i'm not angry | Teen Ink

i'm not angry

August 10, 2013
By freerolling13 BRONZE, Northport, New York
freerolling13 BRONZE, Northport, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You’ll have no problem moving on
But you’re a good guy, So that’s alright
But you’ll be lying in bed with another girl
And I’ll be wandering the streets at midnight
Wondering where I’ll find my next home

The warmth of your arms
Is no longer around me
I can’t tell if there are blue skies ahead
Because everything’s cloudy

Once I leave this place I swear I’ll never look back
But leaving is the trouble
Where could I go in a world so gray?
Because it’s getting cold outside
And I need someplace warm to stay

When I finally leave I’ll burn the pictures
The colors have faded through the lens
Because every time I saw you something came over me
And I don’t know if I want that feeling again.

The author's comments:
I wrote this late at night when I was tired, thinking of past experiences and how alone I felt. I hope people who read this will get that there is a time to move on.

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