Mysteries of the Moon | Teen Ink

Mysteries of the Moon

July 22, 2013
By KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mysteries of the moon
It reminds me of you
Surrounded by a sea of darkness and blue
Yet it is still in my view
I can see you clearly, but you have different phases
Sometimes full and pure, sometimes half and cloudy
Will you be here today? Or will you be unable to be found
Hiding lies and changing stories
Hiding beneath the fog as a shield
I can’t read you, nothing is real
I beg and plead and try to find you
Searching with no end
Because as odd as it sounds; you’re always following me and always watching
But I can’t reach out to you; and you don’t care
You’ll choose her instead of me
All while I cry and weep
You feed me lies and tell me you love me
I know it’s not true
I know the truth
You are what hurts me the most
Kind of like the darkness; behind that full moon

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