Uncertainty | Teen Ink


July 24, 2013
By DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life too seriously, no one ever makes it out alive anyway.

The anxiety is overwhelming
I fear I may drown right here in this very room
Before my fears can ever have
Even the smallest sliver of a hope to become reality

At least this won’t ruin it all
At least I don’t think it will
But then there’s still the wild chance
That all my thoughts have been deceiving me

In which case I am my very own nemesis
A really truly real one
Not like that silly Johnny Snow

I really should calm down a bit
But this hazy fog surrounding me
Causes all things to be
Uncertain and Unsure

So I must sit here
And wait in silence
Only hoping the conclusion to be
Quick and fair

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