Heart in a Chest | Teen Ink

Heart in a Chest

June 30, 2013
By Carlotta SILVER, Bronx, New York
Carlotta SILVER, Bronx, New York
7 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
The hardest thing to do in the world is care.

A NOTE: I was recently checking over my stuff and realized I've been proclaimed an "avid fan of Twilight" in one of my stories, "Below".
Basically, my friend put it in. "Friend". I love her though.

I thought that the way to your heart was through your stomach.
So I learned to cook.
I baked your bread,
I roasted your meat,
I honey-frosted your sweetcakes.
But alas, I did not have your heart.

I believed that the way to your heart was through your feet.
So I learned to fix.
I darned your socks,
I mended your boots,
I cut new shoes of love and leather.
But alas, I did not have your heart.

I wondered if the way to your heart was through your muscles.
So I learned to work.
I chopped your trees,
I sowed your seeds,
I slaughtered your animals, their pain for your comfort.
But alas, I did not have your heart.

I hoped that the way to your heart was through your eyes.
So I learned to create.
I sewed your curtains,
I painted your walls,
I wove your rugs with blood on my thimble.
But alas, I did not have your heart.

I considered that the way to your heart was through your ears.
So I learned to play.
I strummed your strings,
I beat your drums,
I tugged your song from a choking chest.
But alas, I did not have your heart.

I prayed that the way to your heart was through your chest.
So I learned to take.
I cut through your skin,
I smashed through your bones,
I ripped and tore with steady hands.
Now, alas, I have your heart.

The author's comments:
I don't know why I wrote this, or how I wrote this. I know where and when, but that isn't as important.

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This article has 1 comment.

sarah98 BRONZE said...
on Jul. 7 2013 at 12:50 pm
sarah98 BRONZE, Holyoke, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 405 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is better to write for yourself and have no audience than write for your audience and have no self.

that was extraordinary!! The end kind if reminds me of one of my poems, "with or without" This is fantastic work, and i'd be honored if you would chek oiut some of my poetry. Write on!!!