Beat of Time | Teen Ink

Beat of Time

June 13, 2013
By BrittShae13 GOLD, Silverhill, Alabama
BrittShae13 GOLD, Silverhill, Alabama
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life"
"If i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would use my last breath to say 'i love you'"

The hourglass of time
So simple, yet so powerful
As each minute passes
A grain of sand reaches the bottom
Today the clock has begun to tick
Each second made noticeable
Every minute passes like nothing
Realizing dreams are only so close
An inner drive must dominate you
The want overtakes your mind
Keeping the tick of the clock in sight
Walk with the beat of time
As though it is the rhythm of your heart
Each beat that passes is another second
Another second to use in wisdom
Take advantage of every beat
The rhythm of the clock is slowly fading
How much longer will you hear it?

The author's comments:
One of my most recent works. It is a poem telling you to take advantage of every second of life. You don't know how much time you have left.

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