The Eyes | Teen Ink

The Eyes

May 22, 2013
By CALLEN BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
CALLEN BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life isn't about how popular you are... what girl or boy your dating or who you know. life is about always being true to who you are or what you believe in ......"

The eyes filled with pain.
Pain from his master’s beating.
Every step he took
Was like every step to murder.

His master never rode him
But worked him ‘til he
Could work no longer.
Then a crack from a whip
Lashed his coat to move the plow.

He could no longer swat the flies away
For his master cut his long beautiful tail
To the point that he could not swat the pests.

He longed for his black coat to be silk and shinny again.
He heard his kind’s hooves beat when they rushed past
But they never looked at him or whine to him.
They fly past, taunting him to call for them.

He fear to die a lonely death
But all he could hope is that help will come.
Then he heard it.
The sound of a cage driven by his species
Took his master away.
They took him from his hell to live with another master.

This one was gentle and kind
He never shouted in frustration.
He never whipped him when he stopped.
He could no longer see his ribs
His coat was silk and shinny.
But he could not get rid of the pain of freedom he heard.
They run with the wind for their wind is master.
They never have to feel his pain.
But they would never know what love is
Every time he neigh, they neigh back but run away.
He now know that he’ll be happy here
For his eyes are filled with hope and happiness
That he had never felt since his colt age.

The author's comments:
this poem is about a horse in the late 1800's being beat by his master. how he felt when he went through this. how his eyes showed the pain. i just want people realize that animals do feel pain. how they loose hope and the will to live. how they give up when they repeatedly get beat. i want people to realize that animals has their own special soul that reflects what they feel through the eyes.

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