Above Everything | Teen Ink

Above Everything

May 30, 2013
By Kitten_1201 SILVER, Duluth, Minnesota
Kitten_1201 SILVER, Duluth, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wished for death often
But now that I am at its door
I have changed my mind about the world.
It should go on; it is beautiful
Even as a dream,
Filled with love
Laughter once in awhile
Families hugging
Moms and dads kissing their children good night
Watching over them as they sleep
Tears welling in their eyes
Because they know this moment won’t last forever
A father giving his daughter away- a beauty
If ever I have seen one.
In the next world, should I remember
This one, I will phrase it
Above everything

The author's comments:
THis is actually a pre-wriiten poem by someone else, though lines 7-17 are my input. this was an assignment my Creative Writing teacher gave, which i thought was interesting.

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