Itching | Teen Ink


May 28, 2013
By SwannS DIAMOND, Clifford Township, Pennsylvania
SwannS DIAMOND, Clifford Township, Pennsylvania
65 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is our memories that kill us." -In Memorium

I itch from the inside out
I itch to be alive
There's a reason my mind lies
In a ditch on a back road
Too tired to sift for gold
I itch to lay still
I itch like a wool sweater
On a hanger in the attic
Of a stuffy house
I itch to scratch
To relieve the whiplash
Of a crash dummy lifestyle
Simple switch to make it count
Can't stitch up remains
With missing remnants
Body twitch as I lay dying
Softly making rich prayers
To an ancient divine
Whose pitch transcends
My itch to be alive

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