The Barbie Life | Teen Ink

The Barbie Life

May 20, 2013
By smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How many calories are in that? Carbs?
I’ll take a salad with no cheese, no dressing, and hold the crotons.

My eyebrows need work,
It has been three days and they’re already like a caterpillar!

I need new shoes.
All of mine are out; I need the Campbell wedges.
Everybody has those.

Starvation is an option.
Sneak all of dinner to the dog.

Mom I can’t go to school.
You have to call me out.
I left my make-bag at Jessica’s house yesterday.

The Barbie life.
Society treats girls like dolls,
Each one trying to fit a mold of what is “right”.

The idea of being curvy is unacceptable.
They want long legs and a teeny tiny torso,
Regardless of their natural built.

Break away.
Break away from the mold.
Break away from the Barbie life.

The author's comments:
I see too many beautiful girls that are insecure.

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