Grass | Teen Ink


May 20, 2013
By BradenMarjerison BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
BradenMarjerison BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a Garden, Dig It."-Joe Dirt

The grass is green
Each blade is unique
different is it's own way
some tall, some short
some green, some brown

My yard is a jungle
A spider here, a worm there
thousands of bugs
live in their own world

The grass smells fresh
like it's just been mowed

The wind is causing
the grass to ripple
like a sea of green

Not all of the blades are moving
only a select few
are tall enough to catch the breeze

It feels cool and soft
to the touch
Reminding me of the many grass stains
I've gotten from playing in it.

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