Dear society | Teen Ink

Dear society

May 20, 2013
By SimplyBee BRONZE, Bronx, New York
SimplyBee BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I rather be with a real nobody then a fake somebody

Dear Society,

I refuse to be another one of your statistics
I refuse to let you destroy all of my good characteristics
And every moment that goes by, the insecurities of this world
And I just wanted to let you know
It stops here!
I will no longer let you make the inner me my biggest enemy
Thanks to you, I am my biggest fear
I hold all my secrets
I hold all my weaknesses
And I see the world as a black hole
That sucks me in at my most depressing moments
Oh dear society, You make me feel like I don't have a place in the world
You make her feel like no one cares
So she takes half naked pictures
Just for attention
And that boy over there
You make him feel like he’ll never be good enough
So he doesn't stop until he’s pure perfection
we are all victims of society
We let you mold us into things we should not be
But now im telling everyone to take a stand at society
stand tall and strong and say
I am not a b****,I am not a teen mother, nor am I dropout
I am beautiful, I am a princess , I am intelligent, I am a prince I am an empress, I am a Goddess by nature, I love myself, I love the skin i'm in, I love the size of my body
Tell society to kick rocks
Because you will always and forever be YOU!

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