Can't you see me? | Teen Ink

Can't you see me?

May 23, 2013
By iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your curious, you find a lot of interesting things in life- Walt Disney

Can’t you see me standing here?
I’m pouring my soul out to you
Saying things I’d never say
Just for you
Don’t you understand what it means?
To stand before you my hands held open
Ready to seize whatever you put forward
My heart cry for your embrace
But your eyes are blind to my pain
Eyes clouded with indifference
You live your life happy leaving me here
Sad and alone unable to move
Can’t you see me?
I’m right here

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