Astraphobia | Teen Ink


May 21, 2013
By blackveilbeatle BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
blackveilbeatle BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Beware of sadness/<br /> It can hit you/<br /> It can hurt you/<br /> Make you sore and what is more/<br /> That is not what you are here for&quot; - Beware of Darkness by George Harrison

I suffocate on the sticky air
That has haunted me all day
Like an omen
Like another lesson I am 
to Learn

And so it begins
Shut the doors
Focus on breathing
and Maybe it will escape my city
This time

Radar screens
Open and Close
Open and Close
There's still a slim chance
I could make it

Until a low
Starts as a vibration
That runs through the floor
Grabs onto my ankles
Pulls me to the window until
my Mind shakes it off

It starts
The Hyperventilation
And the Churning in my gut
And the Pounding in my head
and in my chest
Every noise causes me to jump
and Pray for forgiveness
Because I don’t deserve this
But it's too late now
For the rain dumps over my head
Drowning all of my thoughts
And I hear the blood pumping inside my head
And each time the Noises grow louder
So do my Screams
And each time the rain spills
And the sky flashes
And the thunder growls
I scream louder and 
And my heart races
And my stomach flips
And my head grows weak
And the noises don't stop
They Snarl at me like a wild beast
I cannot look at the sky
Cannot leave my room
Cannot stop writing this poem 

For when I do
There will be nothing left
but the

The author's comments:
Yes, I am astraphobic! Hopefully, this piece will give you too an idea of what it's like to have this irrational fear. Enjoy!

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