A Door To The Universe | Teen Ink

A Door To The Universe

May 17, 2013
By Palemoone BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
Palemoone BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness

Written all over. Mindless doodles and worn out sayings. You scribble all over me, thinking nothing of it. How would you like it I wrote all over you? You tear me out page by page and all you do is throw me away. I'm more than that you know. I'm meant for poetry, written by a lonely soul sitting in a nook while drinking tea. For love letter, that a young girl writes hoping he will love her as much as she loves him. Beautiful songs that make you sing along just by listening one time. Stories about dragons, witches, and goblins, or even a classic fairytale that ends with the Princess always getting her handsome prince. Endless possibilities come to those who write. A world of laughter, cries, and hope are just around the corner. You enjoy writing? be adventurous with me! I can be a boat, a hat or even fly like a plane. I don't deserve to sit on a table or in a notebook. If you make me angry...be ready for a sharp cut. Be gentle with me. I'm not a piece of wood, I'm easily wrinkled and torn. I'm thin and fragile, like a new born baby being held for the first time. I may just be paper but with imagination, I can be anything.

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