Villanelle | Teen Ink


May 13, 2013
By Poetry_wizard_1617 BRONZE, Greenwood, South Carolina
Poetry_wizard_1617 BRONZE, Greenwood, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I shut my eyes and the world goes dead
I open my lids and all is there is me and you
we now lay together in this marriage bed
you turn me from a big nut head
to your wonderful loving boo
I shut my eyes and the world goes dead
your love for me got me seeing red
you care for me in every way when I have the flu
we now lay together in this marriage bed
as I write this poem with my pencil lead
I have no clue how you would review this poem to you
I shut my eyes and the world goes dead
now my one and only love this time instead
I give my love, feelings, and heart to you
we now lay together in this marriage bed
when you get the flu I would bring the food to your bed
I'll turn you from a big nut to my loving boo
I shut my eyes and the world goes dead
we now lay together in this marriage bed

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