Ode to Mother's | Teen Ink

Ode to Mother's

May 10, 2013
By Phoena BRONZE, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Phoena BRONZE, Cheyenne, Wyoming
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.<br /> Thomas Carlyle

There once was a mother,
Who once had a daughter.
She loved this sweet and innocent child,
And could not believe that it was she that was so blessed.

When the child would scream,
She would come and sing:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be

As Autumn leaves began to fall,
The mother-daughter bond grew strong
But when the monsters began to taunt
The child would scream,
And she would come and sing:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be

As the years went by and the winter snow began to dance,
The once small child,
Grew big and strong.
She, who once pranced in pink,
Now wanders the land like the ghost veiled in black.
When the day came that a boy stole that, that was the most precious and beautiful thing.
The daughter could not stop crying for her loss,
So the mother did the only thing that she could,
She went to her daughter and began to sing:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be

When the ice melted in the spring warmth years later, it revealed a beautiful flower.
Church bells began to ring, marking the day of a loving matrimony for the daughter.
The mother no longer saw a child, but a young woman.
She went to her bride and with tears in their eyes the mother sang:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be

Summer rolls around a year later,
The mother turns into a grandmother,
And the daughter turns into a mother.
As she held her screaming newborn,
She began to sing:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be

As leaves begin to turn from green to gold,
Grandma got a call.
Even though she held a face that looked quite bold,
Her hopes began to fall.
A diagnosis has been made.
And the mother turns into the daughter once more,
The aging mother goes to her daughter and with tears in their eyes she sang:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be

It was the coldest winter on record.
With the grandmother’s health deteriorating more and more,
The mothers hope drains.
The day finally came when the doctor told the daughter the latest news.
Days past instead of years
Nightmares and greatest fears came true.
The grandmother called her daughter to her bed and with her dying breath she sang:

Oh sweet child,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be.

As the machine began to scream, the daughter put her hand on her mothers’.
With tears in her eyes,
The daughter did the only thing that she could.
She sang to her mother's’ spirit.
And she sang:

Oh sweet mother,
Don’t you cry, for if you do, then I will too.
I will love you forever,
And never forget
The day that I held you
So close to my breast
Know that I shall protect you as long as you’ll let me
Know that I’ll love you as long as can be.

The author's comments:
This is my first poem, so I didn't exactly know what I was doing...

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