majoras origin | Teen Ink

majoras origin

May 3, 2013
By Musashi GOLD, Yuma, Arizona
Musashi GOLD, Yuma, Arizona
10 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world

The fierce deity trudged
Along the barren wasteland
Home to a mighty dragon spirit
The banished Majora

As Majora appeared,
As fierce as the dragon spirit looked
The fierce deity only saw pain and sorrow
In the eyes of Majora

Majora growled,
“State your business”
The fierce deity only replied,
“I want to play a game”

The dragon spirit was bewildered
‘All I ever wanted was fun, and they banished me for it”
The fierce deity simply stated,
“Then let me ease your pain,
Dance to the beat of my drums”

The Great Spirit danced
For three days and three nights
And finally,

Majora’s anguish subsided
The Great Spirit was gone
All that remained was his shell

As a tribute,
The fierce deity carved
A mask out of Majora’s shell
To contain the playful spirit,
His wrath and incarnation

The heart shaped mask
Fell to the earth
With its fiery eyes
A symbol of power

As the fierce deity himself
Passed away
His mask plunged,
Down to earth
And started the legend
Of a young boy, the mask, and a tree spirit.

The author's comments:
for legend of zelda lovers, majoras mask, behind the game, the story

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