The World of My Mind | Teen Ink

The World of My Mind

May 2, 2013
By Kanneneer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kanneneer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lay upon a hill, a stone’s throw from home,
But in my mind upon a cliff side.
I overlook a valley, the wind beating
My face, tasting like mountainous mist,
Sounding as the call of my god.

I see a hawk glide for its prey, then toward myself.
He beckons me forth, and gives me flight,
So I may follow him far.
The wind deafens me, and drifts me over the ranges
And below me flows valleys of green.
It is a kingdom of splendor.

White castles sprawl the mountainsides, red banners flow.
Cities of marble caress the shore.
The land sings to me a chant.
The voices call me deeper on the wind, very far
So I may see it all, this pure realm.
Its glory grows onto me.

I see it all, the deserts, the isles, all the trees.
Then I see the red banners in mass,
Preparing to descend into fires.
A dark mass grows far away, hiding behind the sun.
It is the evil all worlds hold, somewhere
Behind phantasmal beauty.

Conflict falls heavy on this world, dark shrouds
Great legends to be told, unraveled.
And they are mine to tell.
For here in the sky, upon the wings of the hawk,
I see the trees, the isles, white bastions
That glare from the seaside sands.

It is the world of my mind, my kingdom, my land,
My red banners, my legends to share.
Perhaps it is time I descended, and touch this world
As its creator, its scribe, its guardian.

The author's comments:
Poem inspired by my own book I have been writing for two years and the ideas surrounding the senses involved in contacting the reader to make them feel as though they were there in person.

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