Originality. | Teen Ink


April 27, 2013
By Anonymous

It's been said, time and time again, that there are only so many plots,
only so many characters
every story is just a reinvention of primal characters which have been around since the beginning of literature.
So what I'm about to do here isn't going to include any of those things.
I'm going to be completely and entirely original in every sense of the word.
The only way to escape blatant climax's and archetypes?
No plot.
No characters.
No series of events.
No conflict.
No internal struggle.
It's going to end unexpectedly too. Like maybe right now.
The end.

The author's comments:
Word vomit at it's finest. Vame out when I was trying to right story and I couldn't find anything new to say. I think if I refined it it might have some potential though. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

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