I Think Of You | Teen Ink

I Think Of You

April 25, 2013
By TinySoldier SILVER, Pasadena, Maryland
TinySoldier SILVER, Pasadena, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a jar of dirt" or "Why is the rum always gone?" ~ Jack Sparrow

You’re the first thing I think of each morning,
And you’re the last thing I think of each night,
I think of you when I’m feeling down,
I think of your gorgeous eyes, and stunning smile,
And how much of a dork you are.
I think of the first time you said you love me,
About each goodnight text you send me,
And each goodbye kiss you gave me.
I think of how we used to be strangers,
And now my life seems incomplete without you.
I think of how you call me beautiful,
Even when we both know I look awful.
I think of how before I met you,
I had no idea what it was like,
To be able to think of someone,
And smile for no reason.
I think of how special it sounds to have you say my name,
I think of the way you smile, the way you laugh.
You’re the thought in my dreams, the vision in my eyes,
You’re everything I need, everything I want,
And everything that makes me, me.
I think about how I still get butterflies when I see you,
Even if I’ve seen you a hundred times,
And even though I don’t want to, I still smile.
And when I think about it,
There hasn’t been a day that I haven’t thought of you,
And you haven’t gotten out of my head,
At all since I first met you.

The author's comments:
This is dedicated to my boyfriend Zack.

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