Enlightenment | Teen Ink


April 24, 2013
By Gage Brinin BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Gage Brinin BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Words transcend from
the weak to strong.
Understandable grunts are enunciated.
The utterances enter our vast expanse
of reflections and presumptions.
Enlightenment flourishes.
It is in this immeasurable abyss
that we make sense of it.
It is in the unfathomable cliff
that we re-connected with what we know.
We ponder on it,
we try and make sense of it,
we formulate new ideas from it,
in fractions of a moment,
we reciprocate.
be it witty,
be it funny,
be it mean,
be it foolish,
Enlightenment flourishes.
The phenomenon in every aspect is perplexing.
The phenomenon in every corner is compelling.
Words can kill.
Words can make leaders out of nobody.
Words can crush a person’s conscious.
Close your eyes.
Walk the fields
of your abyss.
Fill your lungs
with the air of your cliff.
And you will be the most powerful human
when enlightenment flourishes.

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