''Love is" | Teen Ink

''Love is"

April 22, 2013
By myril nobleza SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
myril nobleza SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

L- loyalty, life, laughter that you and I will share

A memory that is so hot, burning

Can't be resist with fires but temptations.

O- overcoming obstacles like a soft breeze

saying "love is what i need to stand behind my


V- victory like millions of birds with freedom flying,

soaring, whispering "love makes you and me"

E- eternity, everlasting, expectations

that you and i will conquer with sensation

I- impossibilities is not an option
but trying hard to spend time with you forever

S- self- recognition, love is for anyone or anybody but share love with loyalty to overcome victory that in eternity there's no impossibility to love ourself with dignity.

Love is what we need
to share it let's give little pieces
and save a chunk just for you.


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