Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

April 20, 2013
By StrangerThanFictionxo BRONZE, New York, New York
StrangerThanFictionxo BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am a girl, who loves to enjoy life`s gifts
And to laugh at ridiculous things
And to waste time on precious moments
I am a girl that loves words
Words that describe my feelings
True facts, life, someone`s point of view
And i am a girl who loves true beauty
The way that flowers bloom when spring has set its luggage down
And the heat says "I am here to stay for a little while"
And boots become sandals
And hats and scarves become ponytails
The way the sunsets have their own language
"Hello" it says as it rises into the blue sheets
"Goodbye" as it falls asleep on its dark pillow
The beauty of the world as it changes
And the way that smiles are always growing and glowing
I am a girl who loves Anything
The way words can play with feelings
The way that flavors can dance on my tongue
And the way the shores crash
Along the golden sand
The beauty of childhood as it fades
And all it seems to do is go away
And growing up is such a hard task
Because all i want to do
Is stay forever young
And that`s just me
Or more likely, just a small part of me
And Who I Am
Not only inside, but in my mind.

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