Broken | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013
By mandisykes BRONZE, Reading, Pennsylvania
mandisykes BRONZE, Reading, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It hurts to breathe,

My ribs are caving in,

My head is throbbing,

And I’m giving in,

Letting the tears trickle down my cheeks

Tick, tick, tick

The ticking of the clock lulls me

But only for a little while

It’s 3:45 am now,

And I miss you way more than I did at 3:42 am

The next morning,

I set way for your grave

The sun wasn’t shining,

The birds were missing

Not a person in sight for miles,

As I set myself beside your grave

I felt the last bits of my heart break

As I let out my eternal sobs

“I love you”

I whimper

A cool wind whisks past me

Chilling me to the bone

Letting out a small smile,

I curl myself into a ball next to your grave


The sun stopped hiding behind the clouds

The birds started singing again

People were laughing again

You may be gone,

But you’ll never be forgotten

The author's comments:
This piece was written because my mother has had cancer more than a few times. She recently got done with her last treatment, and I believe she's okay. The reason I wrote it as though she passed away was because it was a way of me trying to accept it. Also letting people know how much it would hurt to lose someone who has done so much to me.

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