Forever Branded | Teen Ink

Forever Branded

April 4, 2013
By italygurl98 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
italygurl98 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Always have been,
Always will be—
According to my classmates.

What comes with being the quiet girl?

Shocked looks when something 100% innocent is said;
Shocked looks when something not 100% innocent is said—
Oh my gosh, I talked!

“You’re blushing” heard time and time again—
I understood you the first time!

Not enough confidence to be the loud one—
I don’t need to be to be loud 24/7!

“Let’s all stare at Rianne so her face will turn red!”—
Thanks, I definitely appreciate the attention!

So maybe I’m not the loudest person, but
Does that have to mean I’m shy?

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