Snowy Delivery | Teen Ink

Snowy Delivery

April 4, 2013
By 16zbogue BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
16zbogue BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Taking the bag of small boxes in one hand
Opening the door with the other
I stepped outside to the frozen suburbs
Step by step
Closer and closer to the destination
The cold sapping my energy with every step
Seeing the old house gave me relief
I opened the door to many different feelings
The stinging pain in my ears and the overjoy of being warm
In the living room by a fireplace sat the old man
As I walked up to him he smiled as I gave him the box
To my surprise it was empty
With a wide grin on his face
He said “goodbye”
So I went back outside to the snowy wasteland
Finding myself smiling
As I went to the next house
Delivering the next box

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