Take a Heart for a Heart (Vengeance) | Teen Ink

Take a Heart for a Heart (Vengeance)

April 5, 2013
By MrStudious BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
MrStudious BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You have tainted my prized flower
Your disease stressing by the hour
I know not how it happened
But I’ll see to it that you’ll find your end

You are a constant torment
Like a medieval torture chamber
Everything about you is twisted and bent
And your vileness rains down like sulfur

You've made life a dark abyss
Any thought you can conceive is pure piss
For that, I’m going to take your life
You’ll be dead, gone, for all of your strife

In your plight, you have taken away happiness
Thanks to you, they simply sit and wait to die and wither away
All because of you, the blood will be oozing out of their veins again
And now you've placed all this hate, just please, wither away

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