With Held | Teen Ink

With Held

April 1, 2013
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As rage fills my lungs
I feel your words enter my heart
I begin to sweat and feel my pulse arise
With my throat closing and the air slipping
I can’t breathe

I feel my wings break through the skin
Taking off like a bird
I soar to my father
With wings of fait I clash through clouds
Ripping through the silver lining and beyond
Clutching on to my last breath
I can’t breathe

At the gates I catch my breath
I see his hands cuff
With a welcoming grin
He lets me in
To take my place beside him
And now I can breathe

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