The Two Sides Of A Coin | Teen Ink

The Two Sides Of A Coin

March 26, 2013
By Beastly BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
Beastly BRONZE, Minster, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"I am who I am; no more, no less" -Terry Goodkind

Two sides of a coin
one is light
one is dark
one is good
one is evil
there is but one coin
yet two sides

like a coin a story has two sides
it can be a lie
it can be the truth
but there is always a middle that connects the two
like ying and yang share the same circle
so must a coin with two sides

one is light
one is dark
one is good
one is evil
both so different yet they remain connected
because without one there wouldn't be the other
they need each other to exist
because no coin has just one side

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