haunting dream | Teen Ink

haunting dream

April 1, 2013
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

Please shut your mouth
before my heart falls
for your sweet words
again it still yearns
for you yet i can't let

the word's come out
whenever i think i can escape
you have bring out the face

i fell in love with
so fast that makes my heart
ach and bleed the wound

still there and not
yet healed with all pain
you have caused my heart refuse

to let me hate or let
go and now you come back
with sweet words like a dream

that come true but its
to good to be true yet my heart is

blinding me begging me

to let you back in
let you be the one who i run

run to but I'm scared

and frozen
your arms a wait me and my heart

screams to you but my brain

screams something else
do i run to you or do i

turn my back before it's to late

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