My Other Half | Teen Ink

My Other Half

March 28, 2013
By moonstar89 GOLD, Germantown, Maryland
moonstar89 GOLD, Germantown, Maryland
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you cant love yourself how in the world are you gonna love someone else?

Where is the one that completes me?
The one who is my other half
The half that makes me whole

Is he waiting for me
or searching for me
is he a prince charming who
will sweep me off my feet
or is he the bad boy
that will take me away and
set my blood on fire

will he make me stronger
or knock me off my feet
into the deep abyss of loneliness
or is my other half a woman

Is she my beautiful white knight
riding up on a white horse coming to
save me from the misery of my life or
is she the evil witch coming to steal
me away and lock me up in a tower
so no one will ever find me again

I do not know who my other half is
but I will wait my entire lifetime
until my other half finds me and
becomes a part of my life

We will be happy,sad, and upset
but we will go through it all together
for we will be one

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