Without You In It | Teen Ink

Without You In It

March 27, 2013
By Velerus BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Velerus BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What are you doing? Why are you here?

Grasping for attention by bluffing your peers?

Well while I still have you did you need anything?

Maybe something you forgot to bring?

Or perhaps food? Or water? Or a farewell kiss?

Ask and you'll receive I'm happy to assist.


Nothing? Really? On your “last day on Earth”?

But this is a monumental occasion, right up there with birth!

This is a once in a lifetime occasion if you'll pardon the pun.

You need too cut loose, and really have some fun!

I suppose you're quite hung up on this.

But one more day alive. Come on, what's the risk?


Stop it? Stop what? Talking too you?

But I always do this when your feeling blue.

I get in your face, toss a few barbs.

You forget your grief, your anger goes far.

But you moping is a concerning sight.

From you I'm used to more of a fight.


You wish for rest? Then go back to bed.

You wish for peace? Then go have fun as I've said.

This is how you react to everything isn't it.

Someone says something and you throw a fit.

You've talked this before, it's always the same.

You step down from the ledge and pretend you never came.


Just come with me I'll escort you to band.

Maybe we can stop at the cafeteria and-

Nonononono! What do you think you're doing!

You throwing yourself off a roof is not what I wish to be viewing!

You aren't supposed to kill yourself, you're the one endures!

What are you doing?! What are you here for?!


What are you talking about? I'm your friend.

From the day I met you that's what I’ve always been.


Look, I know I can sometimes be a jerk.

But don't hurt yourself over one of my quirks.


High school kids do that, so what?

I've known you long enough to know your better than them by a cut!


No, please, you have to care.

People like you are so rare.

I know what you're going through, I’ve thought about this too.

And I might have done it if not for you.

I know you don't want to hear this, especially from me.

But listen to this first and then I'll set you free.


I know the world seems like a dark place and that happiness it won't permit.

That love and hard work won't matter, in the long run, one bit.

But because of people like you others choose not to submit.

So please, stay with us. The worlds a worse place without you in it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because of my belief that no matter how negatively you think of yourself, there is always someone who thinks the world of you.

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