It Will Be Okay | Teen Ink

It Will Be Okay

March 21, 2013
By Anonymous

I can't believe it wound up this way, its hard to know what to say, my respects to you I pay, I'm sorry it happened to you that day. I know loved one's are gone, but you are not alone. I will be their in your heart, to keep you from falling apart, from the end to the start. The children who lost their lives, are strong in the tear-drops of my eyes. I give the families love and faith, to keep them from satin's hate. The one's who are gone are being watched over, from the one above, the Lord our father. The tears you cry, are shared with mine. The best thing to do is to be strong, don't go out and do wrong. You have people that care, please don't give up into hate and despair.

The author's comments:
The Sandy Hook Elementary mass murder of all those children and teachers made a place in my heart. It made a impact on me because the children never got a chance to live their life and how the parents have to accept that they will never see their child again. They did not even do anything wrong but their lives were taken still. And the grieve on the families and how they how to live the rest of their lives without their loved ones makes me want to cry.

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