His Drunk Mind | Teen Ink

His Drunk Mind

March 7, 2013
By SimplyBee BRONZE, Bronx, New York
SimplyBee BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I rather be with a real nobody then a fake somebody

A drunk mind speaks the sober truth
A drunk man is his sober truth
He brings pain to others,
He breaks the hearts of others
He walks around
He talks about
All of those broken hearts he’s holding
While he lives his happily ever after
All of those broken hearts are molding
Not knowing that even the strongest can be broken
But he still doesn't realize
Through those drunken eyes
How much they despise
This alcoholic guy

A drunk mind speaks the sober truth
A drunk man speaks his sober heart
So while he’s lying and not trying
Don’t go crying and sighing
She’s saying that he’s the light of her life
Well that bottle’s light of his life
She tries to keep herself busy with things to do
But she can't help thinking of you
You crave him and his familiar smell
You crave his attention, his love and affection
And you sometimes wonder if you’ll ever fear rejection
Because this thing you have It’ll never be close to perfection
You need to learn that this,
This is not a love story
It won't have a happy ending
So I’ll just dot my i’s and cross my t’s
Cus, I'm gone

The author's comments:
Theme/Message: Sometimes alcohol changes someone from the person you knew so the person you would have in your worst nightmares, but when this happens and they are bringing your life down you have to let them go no matter how much you loved them.

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