My first love | Teen Ink

My first love

March 1, 2013
By nickmitchell31 BRONZE, Draper, Utah
nickmitchell31 BRONZE, Draper, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sight of tears flowing, heart pounding, air wheezing, no breath.
With once was passion, is now garbage. The depression kicks an d screams with each broken dream. Broken down on my knees as the memories come, so do the tears.
Begging to an unforgiving sky, my mind is asking for death, suicidal thoughts mixed with guiltiness and with that... A heavy rage with myself, death whispers sweet temptations,
My first true love... My first true love. I will remember her as she forgets me.
My anger makes me red in the face.. Suicide I tried 3 times. A soul bruised, shredded, and weak from daily stupidity, on this cold night.. No flowers blossomed, no city was lit as I spend the night as a nobody, I am a cursed spirit, everything I touch rots away, bed sheets, this pen, this paper.
All of the good in my life.. Is hell. The devil appeared to me for the first time, my thirst of selfishness, it clouds my life,

What 'twas my lover now angry at me, vanishes..
Now all I smell is her beauty, elegance, and love..
But her anger is stronger-defense. My love wants to burn the building.. Start a new foundation. Two hearts once connected, now collided.. It was silent. She hides tears, showing bravery.. She has no fears, just battle scars.. As her love and sacrifice was traded, lying there in new skin to form a new life, as I am breathing, dreaming, seeing her in my minds eye.. She was my hero.
My anger drives me crazy as it scorns, as I imagine the sun shining on July 21st, which turned dimmer.. I took the final journey to loneliness. As she shot me with an arrow to the heart, with pin point accuracy.
Now as I ponder next to the door, I'm left to die on the cold floor. Death is the only reason I could return to happiness,
My love will awake on one morning, to sobs and shakes of persons on the TV, to hear my silhouettes of regrets, all the past is lost, as she clings to the memories...

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