Hunger | Teen Ink


March 1, 2013
By JoyInDarkness BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
JoyInDarkness BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Once you really know how to cry, there's nothing quite like it"

-Lestat deLioncourt
"The Vampire Lestat"

Within myself I hold swirling darkness,
My true being hiding behind a mask
of formal constancy. It begs to be
freed from this fleshy prison the world needs.
However much I long to free it, us,
from our bonds...always I stop myself. Once
this was only because of the vow I
made, the covenant you and I bear. Yet
now another humor motivates me.
Such a human emotion it is. Ought
not should I be disgraced of myself? And
yet I am not. I feel nor guilt nor do
I feel disgust in this juvenile thing.
Only...longing. A need beyond simple
hunger for food. Far more than the reason
for our contract. From years by your side is
born this new uncertainty. No, there is
nothing uncertain about this, only...
cowardice. Perhaps you will find me a
pathetic dog (how I hate those words) to
have developed these emotions. But those
are but a side effect of this human form.
What I hold is primal. A thing born of
cravings for your inner being. But now
I want more. I want everything.

The author's comments:
This is really a character analysis from a book. I adored the character so much that I really focused in on him and his emotions.

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