The Run | Teen Ink

The Run

March 6, 2013
By B-Rod BRONZE, Grinnell, Iowa
B-Rod BRONZE, Grinnell, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Climbing is just holding on where everyone else has let go..."

We ran
Farther and farther
Through the humid light
And the cool darkness
We ran
Through the snow of winter
And the leaves of the fall
Ran away
Farther and farther away
Finally we found a place
It was safe
And no harm would come
But we were not together
For we ran away from each other
Through the wind and rain
The mountains and valleys
The hills and plains
We never realize the distance
Looking back only to find nothing.
Desolation, Barren, Plain, Nothing.
We found Loneliness
In a crowded room
Or in an open field
We ran
From thought
From each other
We ran together
Falsely seeing our actions
We ran
Away together
We ran
From one another

The author's comments:
Bored honestly, expressing myself, don't be nice unless its good

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