The War Chant: Thunderbird Suit | Teen Ink

The War Chant: Thunderbird Suit

February 28, 2013
By GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clank, clank, hear wooden planks.
Breeze, breeze, feel falling leaves.
Slash, slash, talons leave a gash.

Seek, prey, for their final day.
Dance, dance, jump to the old prance.
Fly, fly, triumph all the skies.

Grasp, grasp, fate may collapse.
Fight, march, make them all go parch.
Beat, beat let the drum move feet.

Free, free, bird fly to the sea.
Stomp, shout, destiny set out.
Squawk, squawk, sound off war hawk.

Slap, slap, listen to his taps.
Strike, strike, lightning hits the pike
Boom, Boom! The Thunderbird looms.

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