Standing Tall- Hebior Mammoth | Teen Ink

Standing Tall- Hebior Mammoth

February 28, 2013
By PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sweep, sweep, dust off the dirt
from old John Hebior’s farm.
More than half of the bones
From a mighty creature
lie beneath the surface.
Butchered and beaten, old
and completely eaten,
the bones tell a story.
“Attack!” yell the natives,
“We need him to survive!”
Thousands of years ago,
a mammoth standing tall
now viciously beaten
to help another live.
The sorrow of his death
comes with startling finds,
human life existed
during an icy time.
Put together again,
the beast stands strong and proud,
with its tusks twisted up
forever towards the sky
and boney feet ready
to stomp the predators.
The strong Hebior Mammoth
now stands looking over
all that lies before him.

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