Tick Tock | Teen Ink

Tick Tock

February 28, 2013
By NatalieSchaefer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
NatalieSchaefer SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1907: Firemen destroy the city clocks.
As cities increase they decrease.
Past fades into present.
Buildings transform to moderate.

Tick Tock...
Tick Tock...

1972: Urban development obstructs.
Funds pile to help.
Clock ticks at the museum.
And restore history, finally.

Tick Tock...
Tick Tock...

1976: One clock still remains.
Stands where it belongs. Home.
Proudly displayed.
Museum entrance Wells Street.

Tick Tock...
Tick Tock...

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