Knowing you | Teen Ink

Knowing you

February 27, 2013
By CollinMiller SILVER, Candler, North Carolina
CollinMiller SILVER, Candler, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before I saw you I knew so little
I had read the oldest tomes
I had seen the world
I had studied Shakespeare and Socrates
Machiavelli and Botticelli
Bach to Locke


Sonnets and epics do not tell of you
They do not do justice to the thumping of my heart
They could not tell me what you would do to me
They will not give me the world you have given me
It is said love is blind


I was blind before love found me
When I saw you enlightenment burst like the stars of the heavens
Descartes and Copernicus were fools
For how could they be wise
When they did not have you to know

The author's comments:
A poem about the importance of love in our lives.

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