Did You Know That? | Teen Ink

Did You Know That?

February 17, 2013
By Anonymous

it's not real - it can't be.
did you not understand - did you not see?
this is not how it was supposed to happen.
you were supposed to stay.
you were not supposed to move away.
for only these thoughts existed that day.
i longed for it to be okay.
but that wouldn't happen until later.
and without that knowledge, i wasn't me.
for your leaving stole the rest of my glee.
little did i know that this was the key.
nor what would come to pass.
i know that we didn't have any say.
and i know that your family couldn't delay.
but i still decided to wish and pray.
in hopes that we wouldn't have to pay.
however, in the end, we did drift apart.
though it was too soon - far too soon for me.
and i'd hope you would agree.

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