The Argument of Contingency | Teen Ink

The Argument of Contingency

February 16, 2013
By Sierra_S. BRONZE, East Orange, New Jersey
Sierra_S. BRONZE, East Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Definitionless in this strict atmosphere&quot;<br /> &quot;All the world&#039;s a stage, all of the men and women merely players&quot;

I have come to know my place in this world.
A burst in the bubble pooling all minds together,
Serving as a falter in what is heard and seen as imagination.

Resolve: I am who I am, who I wish to be, and who I will be.

My thoughts are as wide and expansive as the vastness of paper without lines.
Blank, clear consciousness interrupted with the trickle of words through the pinhole of self-awareness.
Without misunderstanding.
Without understatements.

Lack of clarity; losing one’s self in sleepless slumbers; forgetting
What’s right and what’s left
Behind the masks they hide
It’s all been done before.

Transience of those who come and those who go.
Who will stay?
Not me, I am not immortal.
Rather, what will stay?
My mind, my thoughts:
What makes me who I am.

Resolve: after all the repetition that comes in a sequence and the loss of all that is known with life and death all that is left is nothing.

The nothingness that my thoughts can fill with its invisible words.
An abundance of my words that can be held but can’t be seen.

Resolve: Belief in the vulnerability of

The author's comments:
The Argument of Contingency is something I learned in a Philosophy course at Roger Williams over the summer; it is an argument for the existence of God. This poem has a mixture of a sense of dialogue as done by Plato, pieces of logic that I learned to write, and ideas from what it is to be a Dualist, Physicalist, or Idealist. I think all of the double entendre really wraps it up well.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Mar. 2 2013 at 3:48 pm
Sierra_S. BRONZE, East Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Definitionless in this strict atmosphere&quot;<br /> &quot;All the world&#039;s a stage, all of the men and women merely players&quot;

Thank you. I tried to write and organize lines so that there could be many different interpretations.

emilym said...
on Feb. 24 2013 at 10:46 pm
What a provoking line: My thoughts are as wide and expansive as the vastness of paper without lines.