I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

February 5, 2013
By Anonymous

I remember when I caught a fish. It tried to escape because it probably didn’t want my hand through his/her gill.

I remember when I tried to feed a monkey a banana. Maybe he got tired of being fed because he just took the banana and ran into the jungle.

I remember calling my teacher mom. It was after the summer break I had spent a lot of time with my mom. Every one stopped and stared at me. It felt really awkward.

I remember getting a stomachache from eating too much candy. My mom was right.

I remember hitting my head on a pole in the ground. Self-note don’t ever set up an obstacle course in the dark.

I remember getting 3 teeth pulled. It was the only way to get it out I thought, until the Novocain kicked in then I thought nothing.

I remember being nervous about the isee test. Then I looked up and the test was over just like that.

I remember when I was getting the flu shot. The last time I got a shot it hurt a lot. Then I got it and the nurse said all done, without the slightest pinch in my arm.

I remember the Christmas I got a mac book air. I was as giddy as a young schoolgirl.

I remember when I was playing football with my dad. My dog a little to exited.

I remember when the clock stopped working. My whole world came crumbling down.

I remember getting really into drawing. I wasn’t very good

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