Forever Doesn't Last Forever | Teen Ink

Forever Doesn't Last Forever

February 10, 2013
By SimplyBee BRONZE, Bronx, New York
SimplyBee BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I rather be with a real nobody then a fake somebody

She's got a smile on her lips
But many scars on her wrist
Sparkling eyes, but many tears behind
She’s been through so much pain
I bet you're lost, so let me explain
See, everyone she’s ever cared for told her they’ll love her forever.
Stand by her through whatever, defend her from whomever.
However, forever didn't last forever.
Now she’s sitting there thinking that she should've never let them in.
She should've kept to herself.
She should've known better.
But she thought someone finally cared about her
That she didn't have to be anyones spare time or sometime any more.
But they lied. Forever didn't last forever
And now she’s full of sorrow
She doesn't believe in tomorrow
She laughs at the thought of forever
She Knows that forever does have an expiration date.
But the memories don't
Now every time she closes her eyes
She thinks of all the times she believed in forever
All the times she was happy
Then she opens her eyes, back to reality again
Remembering that it was all a lie
And now she’ll always know
Forever doesn't last forever

The author's comments:
This poem is basically about lost promises and making people get their hopes up then just leaving them with no explanation.

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