This Moment | Teen Ink

This Moment

February 7, 2013
By AnnabelleLee BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
AnnabelleLee BRONZE, Wake Forest, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The drum hits
The first strum of the guitar,
of the bass
You feel it pulse through your body
The adrenaline starts
It touches every inch of you body
The lights go down

You hold your breath

You see them
still hiding behind the curtain
Still holding your breath

The lights go up
Here they come
You're filled to the brim
Filled with disbelief
Is this happening?
Is this real?

He throws up his fist
His index and little fingers erect

It's this moment
This moment
In this moment
you know where you are


The author's comments:
This is just something I was inspired to write after I saw my favorite band play Friday night. Concerts can be almost like magic to some people. It truly is the only place that feels like home to me, the only place I fit in.

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